Proana Tips

Here are some tips for those who have Ana and need some help. These work for me.

During a fast

  1. Sprinkle crumbs on your desk/plate/lunch box to give the impression you’re eating
  2. Say you’re doing a cleanse
  3. Eat mint gum, mints and always have tea on hand.
  4. Drink fruit-infused water (all natural) to keep the energy up a bit and give the impression of you ‘eating’
  5. Don’t go out to dinner with people, and avoid social functions where there’s food to avoid question
  6. Buy yourself a magazine as a reward at the end of a fast week
  7. Watch movies, netflix series, and have movie marathons where you can lie under the covers and get lost in another world
  8. Invest in sci-fi/anime/fantasy books or movies. This will help you forget your reality for a bit
  9. Stay busy.
  10. Take a bath. If you’re freezing, you can take a warm one. If you want to burn more calories, take a freezing one. Sitting in a cold bath for 45 minutes burns 599 calories.
  11. Sleep a lot. Helps you through and burns calories
  12. Suck on ice.


If you want to binge

  1. When you feel a binge coming on, count from your current weight to your goal weight. Do this 10 times.
  2. Eating is all about postponing. If you feel a binge coming on, wait 10 minutes. If the want hasn’t gone away, wait another 10 minutes.
  3. Trigger yourself.
  4. Have a proana/thinspo pinterest page. Visit it when you feel a binge coming on.
  5. Look at the clothes you’ll buy online when you become skinny
  6. Smell vanilla. It mutes the appetite.
  7. Chewing gum increases the metabolism by 5% and keeps your mouth busy. Mint is best.
  8. If you need food, chew the food and spit it out. It satisfies you without adding calories.
  9. Oil pull
  10. If you have a sugar craving take either a spoon of honey, or a few almonds.
  11. Brush your teeth. Mutes appetite.
  12. Watch Twilight. I don’t know… it just works for me.
  13. Eat a stalk of celery.
  14. Watch America’s Next Top Model
  15. Have a Harry Potter Marathon
  16. If you get hunger pangs, imagine your stomach eating away at your fat
  17. Clean/tidy your room or the whole house. Burns calories, and associates not eating with organising and getting your life in order. Plus some of the chemicals in cleaners will mute your appetite.


Do every day

  1. Think of your weight as temporary
  2. Suck your stomach in
  3. Sit up straight
  4. Have a large glass of cold water in the morning with half a squeezed lemon. It kick starts your metabolism, alkalises your body and makes you need to poop. (Don’t forget the straw to save your teeth)
  5. Read thinspo
  6. When you eat, eat citrus daily.
  7. Eat slowly. Drink water between each mouth-full
  8. Weigh yourself before every meal
  9. Do 20 situps before and after you eat anything
  10. Oil pull. It keeps your mouth busy. Coconut oil is best.
  11. Brush your teeth after any food. It sends you the signal that ‘your done for now’, and lessens the chance of over-eating.
  12. Don’t eat before 7am, and never allows yourself to eat after 6pm. This way, you’ll have a 12 hour fast.
  13. Develop a art/craft that has a repetitive motion. (Sewing, knitting, painting etc). Believe it or not but it’s soothing, and takes your mind off food.
  14. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It will boost your metabolism by 30%.
  15. You’re going to need a bit of salt once in a while in order not to pass out. Sprinkle a bit over your salad. It makes salad taste better too.
  16. Invest in a water bottle- a bottle you like and want to use every day. Bring it everywhere with you and take small sips often.
  17. Cold water burns calories, warm water fills. Have warm water before meals, cold in between meals.
  18. Leave at least one bite on your plate after meal. This asserts self control
  19. Eat denser foods. Fluff will not fill you.
  20. Go for a 30 minute walk. Even when you’re fasting.
  21. Drink coffee
  22. Eat things with strong flavours
  23. Keep a diary. Of what you eat, or how you feel, or notes to yourself that you need to hear. Just write something down and get it out of your system.
  24. Sleep in a very cold room. It will burn calories during the night.
  25. If you need a boost, drink a warm cup of water with a tbsp of honey and cinnamon in it. It boosts your metabolism, and satisfies hunger.
  26. Write down everything you eat. Get a notebook.
  27. Drink up to 4 cups of green tea. It gives you great skin too, suppresses appetite, stimulates bowels and much more.


To loose extra weight extra fast

  1. Drink green tea – increases metabolism and a natural laxatives. Plus keeps up your electrolytes.
  2. Being cold is good. You burn a lot more calories that way.
  3. Don’t fast every day. Have a day or two as a fast, and then eat something. This will keep your metabolism more active.
  4. Work out on an empty stomach. You will feel more tired, but then you’re burning stored fat instead of what you just ate.
  5. Fuck food, drink tea.
  6. Walk every day
  7. Do the 3 mouth full diet – only 3 bites per meal
  8. Sleep a lot. When you do, your body has nothing better to do that burn fat.
  9. Wiggle legs and fidget. You’ll burn 10 extra cals per hour.
  10. Drink a shot of apple cider vinegar before meals. It stops absorption of fat and minimises appetite.
  11. Eat a lot of fibre
  12. Carry a list around with all the reasons why you want to be thin. Read them
  13. Eat around people so they see you eat. Never in private. This leaves them with the memory of your eating, and minimises the chance of you overeating.



  1. Your stomach is around the size of your fist. You don’t need more food than that to comfortably fill it.
  2. You have to know why you’re doing this. To make someone jealous? For the stares? Be clear in your mind about your ‘why’, and the what and how will follow.
  3. It takes 21 days of doing something to make it a habit. Do it for 21 days. It will turn into a lifetime-long habit.
  4. The beginning is always the hardest
  5. Remember you want to be tiny and hide
  6. You don’t need to exercise like crazy to loose weight. Get your heart rate up 3 times a week minimum. Doing much more will exhaust you in the long run – especially during fasts.
  7. Find what works for you – what inspired or motivates you. People have different needs.
  8. You can’t live the way you want to if you’re fat or feel fat
  9. Learn the words “I don’t eat that”. It will help you out.
  10. If you don’t want an apple, you’re not hungry
  11. Never eat in front of the TV or a screen. Be aware of every bite
  12. No-one can force you to eat. Don’t give in to food pushers.
  13. You are under no obligation to make sense to people.
  14. You’re not insane, you’re just in pain. That’s ok.
  15. Being skinny isn’t perfect, but it’s a lot better than the world of no-skinny.
  16. Hunger is the feeling of loosing weight
  17. If you’re going to use laxatives, don’t use the same amount regularly, because your body will get used to the dosage and it will prove ineffective. Instead vary and use, and have days without it.
  18. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Seriously.
  19. Four 100 cal meals are better than one 400 cal meal
  20. Eating crappy food isn’t a reward. It’s a punishment.
  21. If you’ve eaten or messed up, don’t go ‘fuck it’ and binge. That would be like dropping your phone on the floor, and going ‘fuck it’ and stomping on it till it breaks. Pick it up again and carry on.
  22. Calories cannot make you happy
  23. Never buy food on impulse. Take very little money with you to the store
  24. Imagine people you haven’t seen in a while whispering behind your back that you look thin. Imagine their jaws dropping.
  25. Having Ana is a choice. You are choosing this. You are in control.
  26. Losing weight = hard. Being fat = hard. Choose your hard


If you need some extra daily inspiration, visit my Pinterest page:

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