
My name is Aria.

I live in London with my cat Bagheera, and I work at an art studio.

A lot has happened to me in my 24 years, and very little of it has been retold or written down till now. But I don’t want to be silent anymore. Aria means “air” in Italian, and is also a word for a solo 2217951031cb55d53699fe8c91fd403bin an opera.

Well, I rarely feel like I have enough air, and I certainly have never been the type to take centre-stage. But I am trying to get my thoughts out more this year.

So welcome to my blog – a place where I will be desperately honest about things like my eating disorder, art, my passion for fashion, the abuse I experienced as a child, and my daily cups of tea. Some are painful things, some taboo things, some very ordinary. I hope I don’t insult you. But more than that, I hope someone out there can read these words and perhaps feel, even just for moment, that they are a little less alone in this world. If not that, I’m hoping to release a bit of the pressure inside me by sending these words out into the void.

So thanks for swinging by, and feel free to share with someone who might need these words.

One day at a time.

Aria |


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